JTC partners with Urban Gospel Sounds with an "Outpouring" resources for local communities
Fort Worth, TX Broadcasting Live from the Outpouring Events. Donors from across the DFW Metroplex donated food, toys, clothes and school...
Christmas JTC Style was a awesome event, lead by visionary, Michael Ablieno. We had almost 90 volunteers to give out Food, Clothes, Toiletries, Love & Prayer to the Homeless in Downtown Dallas. It was a great Christmas gift for them and us. Special thanks to Pastor Paul Ybarra of SetFree Ministries, The New Beginnings Church Family out of Bedford, TX and everyone else who came to serve. The JTC is on the MOOOVE! Worldwide, City 2 City, State 2 State & Internationally. Visit our sites to learn more. www.jtcxchange.org or dfwSetfree.com