"Impacting people and their environments with life changing conversation; building solution based bridges"
If you are going to have a conversation,
make it a good one!
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June 2020
Pandemic (COVID-19)
"The New Normal"
The New Way of Communicating

Super excited as we were interviewed via ZOOM by Toni Quest- MAED. BFA, podcast host and interviewer at Energy Stoners (TM) Cafe, from New York. They wanted to know about the impact JTC has been having especially with the Prison Letter Responses. It will post at a later date.
Team Wilson is in the building!! The JTC is still on the Move in 2020!

This is the time when it is very important to stay healthy and to stay safe. Since quarantine has been in place, it has been tough staying inside and away from people. However, one way to keep your family safe while out of your home is to wear a mask. Another way is to make sure to keep your hands clean and not to touch your face. The last thing is to make sure to stay at least six feet apart from others. These are some ways to help keep you and your family safe when outside the safety of your home.
Negro League Anniversary
Sherry Wilson gives a big shout out to the Negro Baseball League celebrating their 100th anniversary this year! We want to thank all who played in this baseball league for helping to make a difference in the United States of America. Their actions helped to shape the sports world we live in today.

Prison Ministry

During this COVID-19 season, JTC is still on the move. Since March 19th, 2020, we have responded close to (100) one-hundred letters to the men living behind prison walls both in the state of Texas and Pennsylvania.

A special thanks to all of our JTC supporters around the world in helping to keep the conversation growing!!!
What is your new normal?
Submit your comments!!!
July 2020
All About Service
Set Free Ministries
E. Wilson had a great time on Wake Up In The Word with Pastor G. Ybarra & Gens Johnson. Powerful. They wanted to know what motivates JTC to stay on the move. One Word... "SERVICE." Stay tuned for more updates on how to watch the show!

Freedom and Justice for All
On this 4th of July, remember that we are celebrating freedom in the midst of chaos. Remember that all lives matter no matter the color of your skin.
Stepping out with the Kings

E. Wilson had the pleasure of having a conversation, and making it a good one, with King Ernesto and his lovely wife Queen Michele on a Zoom call. King Ernesto gave his perspective on how JTC had impacted his life while incarcerated at the Price Daniel Unit State Penitentiary in Snyder, Texas. He continues to be impacted by JTC, and is a supporter with his wife. Queen Michele shares how JTC impacted her life through the messeges that were taught by E. Wilson through her husband. She encourges the ladies to always stand by your husband, and to take care of yourselves as well.

This Months Feature Supporter is...
Linda Bell!!!
We appreciate Linda Bell's support over the years. We also want to personally thank her for meeting up with us when we came out to Detroit last year to do videos. She also gave us a first class tour around the city! Shout out Linda Bell!!!
Share your creativity while social distancing in the comments!!!
August 2020
Back to School
Virtual vs. In Person
How safe is it to return to school? Many schools have been busily brain storming over the summer of how to best prepare for the upcoming school season. Countless amounts of PPE (personal protective equipment) have been ordered to ensure safety against COVID-19. All over the world, various teaching tools have been created designed to provide engaging and exciting instruction for students.
The Power of Partnership
Join us once a month at 6: 30am CDT for #FreestyleFriday with E. Wilson from the JTC X-Change, Pastor Paul Ybarra from Set Free Ministries, and Gens Johnson as we continue the conversation about changes and the decisions that come with it! See you September 1, 2020!

This Months Featured Supporter is...
TJ Ragster!!!

“I am inspired all over again”. I make trips to the South Side of Fort Worth to see my brother TJ Ragster, owner of BigBoyz Pit Smoked. I watched him sell BBQ out of the Big food truck you see in the photo, and now to experience him at his new location,

6513 Brentwood Stair Rd Fort Worth, has left me inspired. I love to support others who are making a difference and have the faith to step outside the box to go after their Dream. Support one another FOR REAL with your money! I would encourage all who like BBQ to check out BigBoyz Pit Smoked , and tell him E.Wilson from JTC sent you!! YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.
Continue to have a safe and healthy summer. Always remember, if your are going to have a conversation, make it a good one!
JTC is on the Move!
I love to support others who are making a difference betwen japanese near me and have the faith to step outside the box to go after their Dream.