Programs & Services Supporting:
JTC Global
Prison Ministry
Homeless Initiative
Celebrating 16 Years of Service
What Are People Saying About JTC…
“After my divorce, there were times when I was distraught and felt my life was ending JTC helped restore hope to a hopeless situation and now I have a new outlook on life!!” A.W., Texas
“It is great to have a place where men can come, be transparent and not be judged.” L.R., New York
“JTC has helped me to believe in myself in spite of my downfalls. I can never repay them for all that they have done for me.” A.H., Texas
"I've never seen anything like this before! JTC is like a micro-
organism." J.S., Pennsylvania
“Despite health issues, unemployment and struggles of everyday life, JTC has helped me to remain stable as both a husband and a father. The best is yet to come.” T.H., Texas